2008 Jingmai Loose Leaf Sheng / Raw Puerh Tea 100g

$ 40.99

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This is a rare tea blend. We are quite pleased to be able to offer it. This tea has been aging in Jingmai loose since 2008. This is a blend of young and old tree material. Back in 2008 in Jingmai they didn't differentiate material as much. It's rare to find Jingmai stored material. Jingmai is a protected export only tea growing region. Once leaf material leaves Jingmai it can't come back. Protecting their borders is a task they take seriously. 

This tea is phenomenal! The honey aromas are so deep and rich it's almost unbelievable. Were we to press this material it would lose the magic aroma it has now. We're happy to offer this tea as maocha. This material is packaged into sealed foil bags which come with an included sealing clip to keep the tea fresh.

Video Tour of Jingmai

Brewing Instructions

Use 5-10 grams of leaves and brew with 75-150ml ( 2.5-5oz ) of water at or near boiling. Rinse once for a few seconds. Start with quick steeps under 10s. With each re-steep adjust the steep time to your taste.

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